
Thursday, 5 November 2015

Service will resume shortly...

So, it appears it didn't take me long to get distracted.

I got distracted by a lot of things, and also remembered why I haven't painted metallics in a while (well silver/steel anyway) - I don't really enjoy it.

My first distraction was the Witcher 3, which is my opinion was a worthy distraction, but a distraction all the same.  And that took a lot of my time, to be honest.
Other distracting video games include "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture", "Rocket League", "Until Dawn" and currently "NHL 16".
There is also the inescapable fact that "Fallout 4" is coming out in a few days, and I may have pre-ordered that.  So there is still plenty of potential distractions to come.

I have also been sidetracked by other models - I bought Mice & Mystics recently(ish) and have started painting some of those models (no pictures as of yet, but hopefully that might change soon).  And then in a period of 'sorting my stuff out' I glued (or blu-tac'd) all of my Privateer Press stuff together, then undercoated it all.  Which isn't remotely deserving of a picture.

Finally, I haven't, for reasons that I will not go into here, 'felt' the whole painting thing all that much.  I am hoping that will change soon, and I will have some things to show and talk about.

I aim (although I make no promises) to get some kind of review(s) about at least one of the video games mentioned above, and/or some board games our group have also been playing recently.

Until next time (hopefully sooner than this one was)!

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